online video

If a picture tells a thousands words, how many words does video say? My favourite artform, I have wanted to make films, videos whatever since I was walking round in nappies.

I am a strategist, producer, writer, director who has been responsible for, or at least held a role in over 500 videos, all for the online world which has led to 100s millions of views, millions of subscribers, likes, comments or RTs, even registering people to vote or raise awareness of deadly diseases.

Name: KSI Vs Frimpong
Company: COPA90
Role: Audience Development
One Liner: Worked closely with the brilliant Joel Dale on his debut edit - landing millions of views

Name: Made it out alive
Company: Made It Out Alive Productions
Role: Writer, producer
One Liner: Create trailer from limited legacy footage for former F1 driver Rupert Keegan

Name: Register to vote
Company: Bite The Ballot
Role: Writer, Producer
One Liner: Needed to show we could make good content when I arrived at BTB - so I called on the brilliant Harry Hitchens and Alex Odam to help me!

Name: Tutta La Vita - AC Milan
Company: COPA90
Role: Audience Development
One Liner: Had this beautiful video to work some traffic magic on - still love it

Name: The Basics
Company: Bite The Ballot
Role: Producer
One Liner: The Basics is BTB's bread and butter and I pushed us to update and create a shiny new one featuring plenty of YouTube stars.

Join me and #Laugh4Lungs campaign as we try and make the world laugh to try and raise awareness of #COPD. Get involved here

Posted by Jack Jones TV on Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Name: Jack Jones #Laugh4Lungs
Company: Havas Lynx
Role: Writer
One Liner: Part of my #Laugh4Lungs campaign, I wrote this for Jack Jones

Name: Fifa Playa
Company: COPA90
Role: Audience Development
One Liner: The Fifa Playa strand I created the content plan and interaction from all talent involved, driving millions of views and 100s thousands subs.

Name: #DeCafe with Starbucks
Company: BTB & Starbucks
Role: Writer and producer
One Liner: Wrote and produced this with the mighty damn talented Alex odam

Name: BITE News episodes
Company: BITE News
Role: Strategist and writer
One Liner: Worked with BITE production to make this video for BITE News launch

Name: Russell Brand
Company: Bite News
Role: Strategist
One Liner: We interviewed Russell and I helped send a few viewers to it

Name: Verto
Company: Bite The Ballot
Role: Writer and producer
One Liner: I wrote and put together the entire video which was chopped up and used as marketing content

Next: Digital Producer